When Is Earwax a Cause for Concern?

Anne Georgulas
1 min readMay 13, 2022

A graduate of the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Dr. Anne Georgulas has served as the principal provider with Dr. Anne Pediatrics since 1997. In this capacity, Dr. Anne Georgulas provides compassionate patient care and educates parents on topics related to their children’s physical, mental, and emotional health.

Many parents wonder whether they should routinely clean the wax from their children’s ears. Earwax, which is made in the outer ear canal, serves several important functions including protecting the eardrum from infection-causing germs. The wax traps particles such as dirt or dust that might injure the eardrum.

The ear is a self cleaning organ. Usually, earwax falls out on its own during bathing. Parents should not try to remove earwax with a cotton swab. Cleaning with a cotton swab usually packs earwax tightly into the canal rather than removing it. Occasionally, children’s ears produce excessive earwax. When earwax causes pain or impairs hearing, parents should consult a physician who can remove it safely.



Anne Georgulas

Dr. Anne Georgulas — Caring for Kids, Educating Families